Monday, June 25, 2007

Murphy kicks Bayes' ass!

Guess every thing has a "first time". Well, today was one .. I missed my train for the very first time .. and considering the times I have been in-charge, I guess the fraction stands at 1/50. But for a man, who has never missed a train, and over a long period of 25 years ... this is all but despicable!

And maybe I shouldn't be reading too much into this, but nature reminds me time and again that it has a mind of its own, and in better control of how things go around in this world. For the most part of the hideous torment, things just seemed to fall apart in all rhythm .. as tiles just kept falling under my feet.

(For the superstitious; one of the reasons I am traveling a day late is that I was busy reading discussion on pre-determined events in Fyodor Dvotovskey's 'Crime and Punishment'.)

Hmmm, but everything that happens, happens for good right*. Through all the storms brewing inside (and out - heavy clouds looming over in hyderabad skies, symbolic maybe), I hypothesized that ETHHFG* could be factorized as -

pre-determined events x favorable GOD = ETHHFG

I think I believe that, you could save your ass getting kicked, if Bayes could distribute the failure events more uniformly :D

Coming up next:- Should or shouldn't a man be allowed, philosophically off-course, to repeat a mistake!

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