Monday, November 19, 2007

The Omlette theory ....

I'd be really scared to base my existence or more loosely even my happiness around a single someone or something. It would be a disaster to see my world crumble around it!

That goes for a whole lot of things .. from friends to philosophies, beliefs to love ..

ps: With all your eggs in one basket, you are risking your omlette ...

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Love Anonymous ..

Vanished, originally uploaded by Lara Swift.

Unsure steps, take me home
Wobbly thoughts cling on
Every last drop of intimacy
That last touch of sanity

You indulge to keep your head up
Just enough to breathe
And see the sun shining
Through shimmers on your wet brow

And pant, its tiring
All the love wasted
You grapple on to weeds
Care wasted, strangers to soul

Have u changed, from what it was
A better you she would had hoped
But another nail through you
Is all that it will take

- moi anonymous

Monday, October 01, 2007

Randomness .. smell the self-reference, if u have to ..

Chaos, beautifully bounded by a box .. shades of red for a change .. in a monochromish world!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Murphy kicks Bayes' ass!

Guess every thing has a "first time". Well, today was one .. I missed my train for the very first time .. and considering the times I have been in-charge, I guess the fraction stands at 1/50. But for a man, who has never missed a train, and over a long period of 25 years ... this is all but despicable!

And maybe I shouldn't be reading too much into this, but nature reminds me time and again that it has a mind of its own, and in better control of how things go around in this world. For the most part of the hideous torment, things just seemed to fall apart in all rhythm .. as tiles just kept falling under my feet.

(For the superstitious; one of the reasons I am traveling a day late is that I was busy reading discussion on pre-determined events in Fyodor Dvotovskey's 'Crime and Punishment'.)

Hmmm, but everything that happens, happens for good right*. Through all the storms brewing inside (and out - heavy clouds looming over in hyderabad skies, symbolic maybe), I hypothesized that ETHHFG* could be factorized as -

pre-determined events x favorable GOD = ETHHFG

I think I believe that, you could save your ass getting kicked, if Bayes could distribute the failure events more uniformly :D

Coming up next:- Should or shouldn't a man be allowed, philosophically off-course, to repeat a mistake!

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Ally McBeal

It was a few years back, at an age where my knees should have been bruised and battered with all the 'Falling in Love' i should have been doing ..

Ally McBeal, the quirky lady .. with an overdramatically cute face, weird imagination and confused crushes ... the power girl, with a suite to match .. the teary eyes that melted my heart away! As years zoomed by, the memories faded into oblivion, my love buried under piles of things i would prioritize to remember ..

Until now! I don't really know how it all came up again, could be a casual conversation with a friend, but there she is .. standing on the sidewalks, with storms in her head .. and tht cute little smile .. my love!

So, the weekend was spent catching up on stuff, from where we had left off .. years back. Ally, sweetest!

What makes the show, all its worth (in addition to the lady herself) .. an indulging romantic plot, a background case with its moral dilemma .. the songs that accompany the story .. and to top it all the 'fantasy sequences' that portray the emotional state of the characters!

ps: Don't know if this was the show that started the fantasy sequences* after all, carried forward quite nicely in Scrubs. Absolutely love those ..

Friday, May 25, 2007

Life imitates art?

Watching Paris Je' Taime, with all its artistic touches spawned a lucrative thought ...

Could life be described as one BIG painting, to be seen .. thought about and analyze what the artist (Him) had in mind? A work of art, with all its colors, strokes and shades .. hidden perceptions, backing thoughts and alternate meanings!

Maybe, but i'd rather believe that Life is infact art, but the brush has been handed down to each one of us ... to paint little or more patches in that big wide canvas that extends through space and time! Pallete, a whole set of emotions .. unearthed as each life proceeds from cradle to the grave .. Thoughts in logic that we conjure, Strokes in actions that we take or don't!

Meaning, a collective sum of being .. from one life to another, intertwined so blissfully .. that only He can tell one line from another!

Art .. of Life maybe :D

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

WORLD CINEMA in INDIA - The BIG and the small of it ...

The promise looks big, atleast the content part of it. With just a beam of information to hold on to, we reached Renaissance. Knowing what its about, but hardly what!

World Cinema, accessible legally .. even right to your little home screens. Movies that only pirates knew about, talked in underground forums or elite media community. Now, UTV together with PALADOR takes that step to bring what has been missing all this while, something 'hatke' from the regular hollywood blockbusters .. and ur cheesy bollywood masala! Akira Kurusawa, Abbas Kiarostami, Chaplin, François Truffaut .. just a few names in the collection. And if you really don't know who or what they are, welcome to the club .. its time to be enlightened! :-)

Cidade De Deus (aka City of Gods) comes to a theatre near you on April 16th, kick starts a noble vision. Followed by other screenings on Zee Studio, and a independent channel to take it where it belongs finally! Us :D

Lots of questions to ask. Price, availability, choice .. coverage .. will be answered along the march! Piracy can't be ignored, much like the narrow target audience that they plan to address!

Smell of roasted meat fills the air, more later ..

Sunday, January 21, 2007

The fruit, or the pluck?

'The Forbidden fruit' - the apple that was never meant to be eaten .. or was!

Remember a friend talk about the forbidden fruit syndrome some time ago. Seemed, too pessimistic a view to acknowledge, and appreciate. But, lately .. seems more reasonable than ever!

A forbidden fruit definitely tastes sweeter, the rebel inside makes it so i guess ..

A parallel line of thought, in the same ball park, says that its the hunt that is the whole point and not what is being hunted. Is it true? I have been confused over this, a long time ... denying the whole conjecture, but no longer .. the hunt should go on, forever!

Something to run after, something to stalk .. goals .. dreams .. passions. 'Coz when you got it .. u just got it, how much longer can u lick the ice-cream?

Its a never ending urge to look for something new, something harder .. at the end only the pic remains .. nostalgia is something u can fallback to, not live with ..

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

You leave me dry ..

Day 8, originally uploaded by languisity.

I caught it in the face
Coming around again
I thought it was worth waiting
You're caught up in my head
Wet sides from time to time
But mostly I'm just dry

Saturday, January 06, 2007

The simple life ..

shades of white, originally uploaded by sputnick.

This pic reminds me of the simpler life, the way the past always will be ..

Of careless joys, uneventful mistakes .. innocent falls, premature passions .. ignorant content life! Everything covered by knowledge, expectations and perspectives ..

Don't wanna go back, but its nice to be there once in a while!