Thursday, September 28, 2006

Love, Life and Alike ..

Love, originally uploaded by noqontrol.

if Life would only be so simple. Love - a key stroke away - with all its undo's and redo's :D

What other keys wld you have on ur magical keyboard, huh?

*wink* *wink*

Whr r my blues?

Fall Foliage, originally uploaded by lawatha.

Shades of love O! flames of passion
The color of truth, blatant so ..
Always furious, but calmness vicarious
With silver lightning or pure white snow.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Delicate ..

cosmos, originally uploaded by kayon.

So frail, yet beautiful
Pure as void, and alone
Unwithered and content with
Life and presence ..

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Wings of Change ..

wings on the wind, originally uploaded by highwaygirl67.

Spread your wings, pump your veins,
March ahead like never before
Trust your flight into the night,
Ride the storms, swim the shores!

Minimalistic Pleasures!!

vancouver 274, originally uploaded by Rick E Dick.

What makes a good picture for me?

Well ... Colors ... Angle ... Light .. and a good title :D

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


imperfection, originally uploaded by davidmmcneil.

Not all that we do be perfect, not at this moment possibly. But every step takes us to our final goal - The Horizon ..


Footprints, originally uploaded by Joshua Davis (articnomad).

Leave your footprints, make a difference. But don't worry too much about the waves that may wash them away one day!

To know that you have been there, and enjoyed every moment of it. No one knows how a flap of a butterful wing might trigger a storm somewhere ..

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Sunday, September 10, 2006